1. What are the various dimensions of electronic product design?

Sunday, 9 February 2014

1. What are the various dimensions of electronic product design?

Lets explain the dimensions of electronic product design

Design is the process by which the needs of the customer or marketplace are transformed into a product satisfying the needs. 

So the various dimensions of electronic product design are

(a) Scientific design
(b)Industrial design
(c)Engineering design

Scientific design

                  Scientific design involves different stages. The existing knowledge is the key factor and forms the base of the design process. The existing knowledge is then transformed into a hypothesis from which the evolution of the new product has been realized. The next phase is logic analysis. From the analysis the experiments are performed. The final stage of the design is called proof.

Industrial design

                 The industrial designer’s society of America (IDSA) defines Industrial design as “the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the functions, value, and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer”. Industrial design starts form the conceptualization phase. From concepts, it develops into structures and configuration. The next phase involves optimization analysis. The design form the conceptual level may go into detailed from design .The detailed anatomy of the structures is prepared. The design is confirmed in accordance with the thermal and EMC requirements. Industrial design needs development drawing, the integration documents and details of the product.

Engineering design

                          At the beginning stage of the product, engineering design has much importance than industrial design. Because the product priority factor involves the measures of intrinsic relationship between man and the product. Engineering design is associated with number of factors like circuit design, software development, design for safety, design for assembly, design for cost, choice of materials etc.Engineering design methodologies have prime importance in the initial stage of product development. The integration of functional parts and experiments are needed in the engineering design stage. The necessary packaging and interconnections are determined as per the requirement.


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